Western Rail Coalition > The Trains
Locomotive hauled or multiple unit trains?
Locomotive Haulage

Regional / commuter rail operations in the U.S. have traditionally used a locomotive hauling anything from 2 to 12 cars. Locomotives by their very nature are ‘dead’ space on the train as they carry no fare-paying passengers and add length and weight to the consist, regardless of the number of cars being hauled. Generally locomotives are an efficient source of power for trains that have at least 8 cars, however they represent an increasing penalty in weight and therefore energy consumption for shorter consists.

A typical regional / commuter rail locomotive hauled consist features a 4-axle locomotive, a number of regular passenger cars and a cab-car at the other end. This type of operation, also know as “push-pull”, allows the train to be operated from both ends and avoids the need for shunting or reforming the consist at the ends of the line.
Both new and used locomotives and hauled passenger cars are widely available in the U.S. including those that meet the Environmental Protection Agency’s Tier 4 requirements, which limit the amount of particulate matter (PM), or black soot, and nitrogen oxides (NOx) that can be emitted from the diesel engine.
Multiple Unit Trains

Self-propelled multiple unit trains (MUs) feature a number of cars coupled in a semi-permanent consist with the power and propulsion systems distributed throughout the train. Equipment is usually located underneath the the cars, in closets throughout the train and / or on the roof. An operator’s cab is provided at both ends so the train can be driven in both directions. Multiple unit trains can be specified with powered or unpowered intermediate cars to provide the optimal train length required which also means the amount of motors provided to move the train forward can be scaled appropriately.

The abbreviation ‘MU’ is often prefixed with a letter that identifies the train’s power source, for example ‘DMU’ stands for diesel multiple unit, ‘EMU’ means Electrical Multiple Unit and ‘BEMU’ signifies a battery electrical multiple unit. ‘Bi-mode’ or even ‘tri-mode’ trains are available which offer effortless switching between power sources, usually at speed.
The ‘multiple’ in the title indicates the ability to quickly couple two or more units together to provide a longer train.

The U.S. used to have a proud record of producing heavy rail multiple unit trains with manufacturers such as Budd and the St. Louis Car Company churning out railcars for rail and subway operations up until the 1980s. Japanese firms such as Kawasaki and Nippon Sharyo then stepped into the breach, often producing cars based on original American designs.
Since then Hyundai Rotem, supplier of the ‘Silverliner V’ EMU trains used on RTD’s commuter rail network, has closed its assembly factory in Philadelphia and exited the North American heavy rail market. Nippon Sharyo, supplier of DMUs for the SMART and Toronto Union Pearson Express, has also done likewise.

Currently two European manufacturers, Stadler and Alstom, offer Buy America compliant multiple unit trains for the North American market.
How will the trains be powered?

Multiple unit trains can be powered by a variety of different power sources. Click below for some examples.
What could the train interiors be like?

Trains operating on the Western Rail routes will typically be making inter-regional journeys of approximately 1 to 4 hours in length. The trains should be equipped with a variety of facilities to ensure comfort, convenience, and accessibility for passengers. Click below for examples of what could typically be found on board.
Could Colorado be a suitable location for a Pop Up Metro?

The Pop Up Metro concept, which not only includes the battery-powered, remanufactured London subway cars, but power systems, platforms and other elements needed to launch a rail service, has been demonstrated by the Railroad Development Corporation (RDC) at the Rockill Trolley Museum in Pennsylvania since 2021. The aim is to dramatically slash infrastructure costs and implementation times.
The downside is that, due to FRA rules, the trains cannot share rail alignments with freight trains at the same time. They either need dedicated tracks or an agreement with the host freight railroad for exclusive use – at least during passenger train operating hours. That said, the Tennessee Pass line or the Yampa Valley may be suitable locations for the Pop Up Metro concept.